Doc of Detox





It is estimated that over 150 chronic degenerative diseases display disruptions in cellular calcium homeostasis, which also happens naturally with aging-related bone loss ushered by hormonal changes and a sedentary lifestyle. This displaced calcium overloads cellular calcium reservoirs and causes mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and calcium signaling breakdown, leaving our body vulnerable to diseases. Calcium Ion Therapy (CIT) triggers a cascade of hormonal responses to restore calcium homeostasis, strengthening trillions of cells to fight back. Utilizing innovative ionic calcium supplementation, CIT delivers sufficient calcium in the free ionic state to trigger desired physiological responses. Ionic calcium used in CIT is absorbed through the stomach lining without the help of Vitamin D, unlike any other calcium absorption from diet or supplements. Normally, calcium enters our body in the protein-bound form and cannot trigger the same physiological responses as ionic calcium. By triggering ionic-calcium-sensitive physiological responses, Calcium Ion Therapy is unique in counteracting the root cause of diseases from the cellular to the systemic level.

Call 1-855-900-4544 ext 0 for Calcium Ion Therapy

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Calcium Ion Therapy (CIT) uses an innovative new bio-material based on calcium carbonate, which releases ionic calcium more readily. A highly advanced proprietary process formulates it to maintain positive charges (2+) by altering the bonding structure into very weak antiorbital bonding, which leaves the molecule with positive charges which attract water molecules to cluster around it, making it incredibly water-soluble and allows direct and passive absorption of calcium in ionic form into our body by diffusion and osmotic pressure.

Calcium ions from CIT are directly absorbed through the stomach lining because of its weak anti-bonding, which releases calcium ions making it immediately bio-available. CIT bypasses active transport delivery that requires digestion with peptides and vitamin D, a complicated process that leaves absorbed calcium in far less bio-available protein form. As the chemical equation shows, two calcium ions, one oxygen molecule, and two carbon dioxide molecules are released, all of which our body knows how to deal with safely.

CIT Therapy elevates the serum concentration of ionic calcium slightly within the normal physiological levels to trigger strong bone-building processes (osteoblasts) by releasing thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The increased bone turnover rate helps our body to utilize all the underutilized protein-bound calcium as well as all the displaced calcium from soft tissues, organs, joints, and even cellular levels, bringing body-wide decalcification to restore the healing power of 60 trillion cells.



Strong bonding and no net electrical charge


Has net electrical charge from weak anti-bonding

CIT (Calcium Ion Therapy) is the first safe calcium-ion-delivery-system to increase bone density naturally by awakening the body’s own bone-formation process. CIT uses proprietary ionic calcium which signals the pituitary gland to initiate the cascade of hormonal responses to restore our body’s natural balance.
Unlike other electrically neutral calcium supplements that require Active Transport, CIT uses Passive Transport to bring full absorption of calcium without needing Vitamin D, peptides, or other agents.

Calcium Ion Therapy (CIT) restores the bone-forming process (osteoblast) naturally without disrupting natural bone metabolism, unlike many prescription drugs that come with serious side effects.

Inside our cells, CIT’s proprietary calcium quickly breaks down to yield calcium ions, which are absorbed into capillaries and trigger our body’s natural bone formation process, increasing bone turnover rate to quickly restore bone health as well as triggering body-wide decalcification to help restore the health of 60 trillions of cells.

What is CIT Ionic Calcium?

Anti-bonding orbitals are essentially the “opposite” of bonding orbitals. They are formed when atomic orbitals combine in ways that lead to predominantly destructive interference.

The key feature of anti-bonding orbitals is that the molecular orbitals have higher energy than the corresponding atomic orbitals. Thus, the molecule has higher energy than the separated atoms (atoms separated by a large distance), and the atoms would prefer to be in the lower atomic state.

Anytime two atomic orbitals combine to give a lower-energy bonding orbital, an analogous higher-energy anti-bonding orbital is also formed. Above is a figure depicting this simple bond/anti-bond molecular orbital diagram we had for hydrogen. The diagram also shows that electrons (in this case) fill the bonding orbital and leave the anti-bonding orbital empty.

CIT calcium’s anti-bonding keeps the calcium atoms in the molecule loose and unstable. Our innovative technology locks calcium atoms in place until it is released into our body.

Anti-bonding orbitals are essentially the “opposite” of bonding orbitals. They are formed when atomic orbitals combine in ways that lead to predominantly destructive interference.

The key feature of anti-bonding orbitals is that the molecular orbitals have higher energy than the corresponding atomic orbitals. Thus, the molecule has higher energy than the separated atoms (atoms separated by a large distance), and the atoms would prefer to be in the lower atomic state.

Anytime two atomic orbitals combine to give a lower-energy bonding orbital, an analogous higher-energy anti-bonding orbital is also formed. Above is a figure depicting this simple bond/anti-bond molecular orbital diagram we had for hydrogen. The diagram also shows that electrons (in this case) fill the bonding orbital and leave the anti-bonding orbital empty.

CIT calcium’s anti-bonding keeps the calcium atoms in the molecule loose and unstable. Our innovative technology locks calcium atoms in place until it is released into our body.

Absorption by Passive Transport

Antiorbital-bonding of CIT calcium makes it hundreds of times more water-soluble than conventional calcium supplements and maximizes the calcium absorption rate by 200 times more, all because CIT calcium is passively absorbed without requiring any biochemical energy from cells. Common ‘electrically-neutral’ calcium supplements must go through active transport to be absorbed by digestion involving peptides and vitamin D. This process brings calcium into our blood vessels as physiologically inactive protein calcium.

Inactive protein calcium is only utilized for our body’s everyday needs until excreted and will NOT trigger hormonal responses or bone formation (osteoblast). For adults, too much protein calcium will cause more problems for our health (hypercalcemia) instead of building strong bones.

CIT Calcium Absorption Calcium is absorbed via stomach wall by diffusion
Passive Calcium Absorption (Calcium Ion Therapy) Antiorbital Ionic Calcium
Active Calcium Absorption Calcium from diet & supplements

Taking Calcium Where It Needs to Go

CIT’s cascading effects on the physiological functions of our body also activate inactive protein-bound calcium in our blood to further boost the bone formation process, resulting in a rapid increase in bone density.

A regular calcium supplement is ineffective for BMD (bone mineral density). Considering the side effects associated with it, is it worth consuming?

Tens of thousands of people have already experienced a clinical increase of up to 80% in bone mineral density through the revolutionary Calcium Ion Therapy.

Only CIT Provides Physiologically Active Calcium

Almost all of your body’s calcium is stored in bone, but the tiny amount circulating in your bloodstream is disproportionately vital to normal physiology. About half of this circulating calcium (50%) is “ionized,” which means it carries electrical charges and these calcium ions (Ca2+) are the only physiologically active form that our body can recognize and are responsible for numerous functions of our body, such as the firing of muscle and nerve cells, promoting blood clotting, preventing the depletion of bone mass, securing proper cell multiplications, etc.

Calcium ions in the blood are so vital that the body cannot permit its level to fluctuate. Therefore, even a slight increase in ionized calcium concentration in the blood triggers the bone-building process to take excess calcium into bones. This process is the most effective and safe way to build bone density since it follows the body’s natural bone-building mechanism. However, increasing the level of calcium ions in our blood to this threshold level that initiates hormonal response was simply impossible before our innovation. Calcium Ion Therapy helps our body reset the balance and unleash our body’s enormous healing potential.

Inactive protein calcium is only utilized for our body’s everyday needs until the excess is excreted and will NOT trigger hormonal responses or bone formation (osteoblast). For adults, too much protein calcium intake will cause more problems for our health (hypercalcemia) than building strong bones.


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