Calcium Ion Therapy (CIT)

Many published clinical studies have already confirmed the connection between ionic calcium deficiency and age-related degenerative diseases. We are finally able to deliver that ionic calcium in a home-administered formula.

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Watch and see how Calcium Ion Therapy can change your life

CIT Applications Include:




Crohn’s disease

Calcium-related infertility

Bone Necrosis

Heart palpitation

Calcific tendonitis



Viral Infection (HIV)

Viral Infection (HIV)


Parkinson’s disease



Autoimmune Disease (Lupus)

Mitochondrial Disease

Cancer (Carcinoma, Sarcoma, Lymphoma)


CIT restores our body’s natural balance and activates powerful healing potentials by triggering the cascade of hormonal responses that leads to calcium homeostasis. As the world’s first calcium-ion-based therapy, CIT replenishes calcium ions, which, as the second messenger, restores our body’s communication from the cellular level up.  Miracles happen when our body communicates clearly.


Highly advanced process formulates it to maintain positive charges (2+) by altering the bonding structure, namely antiorbital-bonding. The positive charges of the molecule attract water molecules to cluster around it, making it incredibly water-soluble and allowing direct and passive absorption into our body through channel protein of our membranes by diffusion.

How It Works

About 50% of calcium in our blood is inactive. CIT ionizes inactive calcium in our blood to be active.

CIT helps maintain proper calcium levels in the body by triggering thyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone.

CIT helps calcium to reach the ultimate destination - the bone.


Rapidly Improving Kidney Function!

"Years of dysfunctional kidneys sucked the life out of me and even turned my face into a deathly dark color. I tried everything from eastern to western medicines, but nothing seemed to help. Then at the plea of a close friend, I started taking Maragen. In about a month, I noticed that my face turned back to normal and my body felt much better."
C. Park
- Male, 65.
Saved from last stage colon cancer!

I had terminal colon cancer which was metastasized to both liver and bones. I was devastated and had little hope when I received radiation therapy twice and it did not have any effect. I had been taking only pain killers and sleeping pills. My cancer level in October 2015 was CEA 200. When I heard about the remarkable effects of Maragen on cancer from a close friend, I had to give it a try. I started on it since Oct. 2015, and my cancer levels dropped to CEA 49.1. I am feeling much better, and continuing to get better. "
- Female, 71.
I grew 17cm in 8 months!

I was a short 10th grader at only 153cm. I could only reach to my friends’ chins. Then my mother got Osso Junior in October 2015. For two months I could not notice any changes. In the past, I had tried so many different things to grow taller, but they all failed. Not having better options, I decided to try Osso Jr for at least 6 months. Then in January 2016, I started experiencing a dramatic effect, I was growing taller! By August 20, 2016, my official height was 170cm! Everyone who saw me was amazed. I am amazed. Osso Junior is a miracle for me."
J. Kim
- Male, 15.
A golf ball sized tumor - gone!

I am a US Air Force pilot and one day got diagnosed with a brain tumor the size of a golf ball. I was devastated. However, when I heard about Maragen, I took it for three months beofre I got another brain scan at the Washington Bethesda Medical Center. The doctor asked me incredulously, ”How come I do not see the tumor?” Maragen is a miracle supplement!"
- Female, 30.

Contact Us

If you have any questions on the CIT, use the form in this section or reach out to us through the channels listed below:

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